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Landlord stories


Discover Alisa’s journey from arriving to Ho Chi Minh City to becoming an experienced landlady.


Watch Anaïs take her first steps with furnished rentals in Paris.


Realbox makes mid-term rentals easy for landlords. Connect to thousands of verified tenants looking for furnished apartments.

Created with Fabric.js 5.2.4

Verified tenants

We check the identity and financial credibility of each tenant.

Pay only when successful

Realbox will only charge a fee when a booking is successful, never before. No exclusivity or binding contracts.

Created with Fabric.js 5.2.4

Verified tenants

Our expert team gives you personalized advice from listings to contracts and beyond.


Landlords in Vietnam trust Realbox

4 months

average booking duration, with an
average 10 months occupancy rate

53% of tenants

come from 24,000 verified business clients

Get started in just a few minutes


Post your listing in 15 minutes or less

It's quick and easy. We will help you create competitive listings that attract tenants.


Pick the booking request that works best

We will notify you about each new request. You can review, accept or decline them in your Dashboard.


Sign the contract online & welcome your tenant

Once the tenant confirms their interest, we will set up the contract and you can get in touch to plan the move.

Realbox Plus

Save time and effort with our one-stop service: we manage the complete process, from finding the right tenants, through maintenance and administrative tasks, all the way to making sure the apartment never stays empty.

Frequently Asked Questions

You can make your furnished apartment even more appealing to prospective tenants by paying attention to a few details:

  • The listing: A meaningful title and an informative description in Vietnam with high-quality, descriptive photos.
  • The equipment for everyday use in your Wunderflat.
  • A reasonable and competitive rental price.
  • Your response time to incoming booking requests, your ratio of accepted and rejected requests, as well as your payment behavior also influence the ranking of your listing in the apartment search results by our algorithm.
  • An up-to-date availability calendar. 

At Realbox, we make it easy, safe, and hassle-free to rent out your furnished apartment. The Realbox Service Fee includes these services for landlords:

All-round support and expert advice from our Customer Service Team: personal contact throughout the process.

Verified tenants: we verify each prospective tenant by confirming their identity with a valid ID or passport. We also run liquidity checks to make sure rental costs will be covered.

Maximum reach with just one listing: our extensive marketing measures ensure that your listing will reach as many people as possible.

Fast and secure contracting: once you have chosen a suitable tenant, our verified rental agreements make contracting easy.

Professional presentation of your apartment: our real estate photographers take photos to verify your apartment and greatly increase the appeal of your listing (free of charge in select cities).

Realbox matches those offering a home and those looking for one. It is for tenants, landlords, and companies looking for apartments for their employees.

Landlords can list furnished apartments, studios, houses or penthouses on Realbox and rent them out at an all-inclusive rental price. With Realbox you can find the ideal tenants.

Tenants can find and rent fully furnished homes. Whether for a new job or a project, renovations at home, or a change of residence: it’s the right solution if you temporarily move your center of life to the rented apartment. We do not offer apartments for touristic or medical purposes on the platform.

You can create listings and receive all-round support and advice from our team of experts completely free of charge until the apartment is successfully rented out.

We charge the Realbox Service Fee to landlords on the total flat rate rental price: in Vietnam it is 10% plus 19% VAT, effectively 11.9% for private and commercial landlords. In France it is 5% plus 20% VAT, effectively 6% for private landlords, and 10% plus 20% VAT, effectively 12% for commercial landlords.

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